Monday, February 1, 2010

Ea Link On Hp Laptop My HP Laptop Came With Games Can I Delete Them So I Could Have Room On My Hp Laptop?plz Answer My Question?

My HP Laptop came with games can i delete them so i could have room on my hp laptop?plz answer my question? - ea link on hp laptop

My sister bought me an HP laptop and comes with a set of software and games PRGRAM I uninstall it because if I could hhavemore up on my laptop? If you uninstall the game, mest my laptop? Called Deep Tour Flash Boxplots came the laptop is it necessary? Sims Life Stories was also installed.i do not know if this is a game or software.It link has been installed as well.what these programs? Do I need these programs? I can also delete all the games on my laptop or not?


Dunbar Pappy ϟϟ said...

Producers are always saying things all types of garbage they want to use, with the hope that you have in the system and web pages, etc. constructed
They are not necessary, and give more space if you delete it. The same with games from Microsoft (built-in online and garbage)
While you're at it, these proposals based on the new unit to help on the way to:
The records of maintenance, which helps a good performance and durability.
Once every 3 months, run the disk check ', which looks for physical problems on the hard disk sectors.
For this XP: Start> My Computer> right click on your C: drive> Properties> Tools> error checking here, you do check both boxes, then click OK. The next time you cool the system, this process of implementation () about 30-60 minutes), correcting errors (if one exists.

Another aspect of disk performance is "Compress contents" and "Allow service index. They help to optimize the speed of the recovery files and save space.
Start C "> My Computer> right click on" Drive> Prorel> tab "General": here the two check boxes and click 'OK'.

Do not panic: we can say 3 days or more to run, but this time falls dramatically as the process. Just Walk Away, and let 'er run for the duration: it includes the same event.
Depending on file size and may take several hours (may possibly) until the evening before sleep.
When you are finished, run CCleaner (...
And defragmenting the hard drive.

saliss said...

You can remove the Add / Remove Programs and from there.

saliss said...

You can remove the Add / Remove Programs and from there.

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